Features and Benefits
Access the Demo Site here: https://demo.ngcareportal.com
NG Care Portal Features
1. Cloud-based suite of EHR and related services provided to Medical, Allied Health and Social Care Practitioners in Nigeria.
2. Dedicated servers hosted in the EU (Germany) with top-notch data protection regulations.
3. Secure and Certified systems designed and delivered by team led by Nigerian Medical Doctor of almost 40 years’ experience that is also fully IT trained and certified, with Chartered IT Professional status.
4. Systems provided by a company combining both foreign and Nigerian Medical and IT experience.
5. “Nigerianised” system, fully customised to the Nigerian medical and IT scene.
6. Features over 85 HMO with their details, covering the whole geographical spread of Nigeria.
7. Along with a versatile Clinical Decision Rules engine, further prescribing support is provided by having the latest electronic British National Formulary versions for adults and children right at your finger-tips.
8. Low cost systems that are easy to maintain month to month.
Tele Health systems that are secure and very easy to use via readily available devices.
9. Systems specifically designed to accommodate and empower lower tier healthcare practices and facilities, while also catering to the needs of the “big boys” with deep pockets.
10. Heavily discounted EHR solutions for Outpatient Clinics, In Patient Facilities / Hospitals, Specialist Clinics / Hospitals, Diagnostic Centres & Pharmacies.
11. Heavily discounted Tele Health solutions.
12. Heavily discounted Medical ICT Usage & Security Training (for Owners / Operators and / or Staff) in association with Industry Certificate Awarding Body and / or Private University.
NG Care Portal Benefits
1. Core EHR Bundle includes:
– Unlimited number of patients
– One-off payment
– No renewals
– No annual payments
– Forever!
2. Your site’s access speed will impress you and your patients.
3. Quick accurate, up to date and efficient access to patient records and streamlined coding and billing for HMO / Health Insurance purposes.
4. Securely sharing patient information with patients, other providers and organisations.
5. Reducing costs for providers and patients by enabling more effective diagnoses, decision support, reduced medical errors, more reliable prescribing and ultimately safer care.
6. Enabling providers to improve productivity and efficiency and have better businesses.
7. Allowing a patient’s medical information to move with them to other countries or providers.
8. Enabling easy availability of information for optimum public health, social care and policy making.
Wonder why we so comprehensively knock out the competition? Head over to the features comparison page.